
The AVSP is a self-funded organization. Our volunteer patrollers pay all their own expenses. These events help to ensure your safety by providing the funds to supply our patrollers with radios, toboggans, and safety gear. Come out and enjoy the fun and support your favorite local rescue groups!

Spaghetti Feeds

These "world-famous", all‐u‐can eat events take place in the Alpental Lodge two times a year; typically in the first week of February and the first week of March. Proceeds benefit the Alpental Volunteer Ski Patrol.

Backcountry Ball

Typically held the first week of March in tandem with the second AVSP Spaghetti Feed. This is the event of the year with a silent auction and live music. Silent auction proceeds benefit B.A.R.K.

Easter Egg Hunt

This one's for the kids and takes place on Easter weekend. Plastic eggs are scattered over the lower hill with prize numbers that are redeemed in the lodge.

New Years Eve Torchlight Parade

Patrollers take to the slopes and light up the hill. This is a wonderful spectator event viewed from the comfort of the lodge.

AVSP Members Only Events


This is a patroller-only event which takes place on the Methow River on Memorial Day weekend.

Spring Banquet

This is a patroller-only event which takes place in June to celebrate the year and award the infamous Toilet Seat and other prizes.

Region Banquet and Division Convention

This is a patroller-only event that takes place in August with a raffle and auction.

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